Attorney at law Ilya Zuev writes his comments for Stolitsa

Ilya Zuev: in the matter of children’s well-being, we cannot shift responsibility

In Estonia, there are currently almost 125 classes that can be made up of children who do not go to school. As a rule, these children were humiliated at school due to poverty, which forced them to drop out.

The topic of the day on the portal is commented on by attorney-at-law Ilya Zuev, Grandman law firm:

“In my opinion, “missing children” is the same unresolved problem as any other in the country, but its price for society is much higher.

I think that such cases cannot be avoided, but there is an opportunity to reduce the negative statistics. I believe that the solution to such situations lies with the entire society and here we cannot shift responsibility from our own shoulders to the shoulders of others. It all costs us too much.

I think that before there were no such depressing statistics, but now this problem affects the whole society. Children and their parents live in a very aggressive environment, and this environment is created by our own hands. Parents become alcoholics, cannot find work, cannot cope with themselves and their children. Unfortunately, there are many such families. It is extremely difficult for a child from a socially disadvantaged family to change their fate. Therefore, the trail of problems continues to drag on for generations, and few can break out of this vicious circle.

Ultimately, the conclusion I come to is that each of us is responsible for the future of children – be it a social worker, a teacher, or just a random passerby who cares about the fate of the child.

I notice people who do the maximum that can be done for the child and his future life. Perhaps we should start with this.

As for the question of where more work should be done with children, in my opinion, these are all areas of the child’s life, from the family to the sports section.”