If the court, given the circumstances of the crime and personality of the person at fault, decides that a fixed-term imprisonment of the offender or imposition of a fine on the offender is not an appropriate measure, the court can issue a ruling for partial or full non-application of the punishment.
A person guilty of an intentionally committed criminal offence of the first degree can be released from imprisonment on parole with application of a probationary period under condition that the person at fault has actually served: 1) at least one half of the imposed term of punishment, however, not less than four months, and the person agrees with application of electronic monitoring, or 2) at least two thirds of the imposed term of punishment, however, not less than four months.
The law provides for a possibility for the imprisoned person to be released on parole. This does not mean that the punishment will be considered as having been fully or partially served. The person who has been released on parole cannot commit new crimes. The court determines a probationary period for such person, as well as control measures if necessary.
Some of the questions that arise during review of an application for parole:
Which documents must be submitted to the court in order to increase the chances of release on parole?
To what degree will the court consider disciplinary sanctions during serving of the punishment?
What circumstances are more likely to be considered by the court?
What are the chances to be released on parole if the current term of imprisonment is not the first one that has been imposed on the person?